to redesign

Written by Adrian Holovaty on February 9, 2003

Today I returned home from the University of Florida's Symposium on Converged Journalism, where I contributed to a panel discussion on "interactivity and news audiences."

One of the topics we briefly touched on is the ability of weblogs to break news online. Well, with that in mind, here's a development in the online news industry that I haven't seen reported elsewhere yet:

During the discussion of "Sports Journalism in the 21st Century," Executive Editor John Marvel mentioned his site, which is the world's leading sports Web site, will be redesigned in the coming weeks. He said, with much enthusiasm, that the home page would begin to feature video clips prominently.

It has previously been reported that the site "is plannng a 2003 debut for EXPN Action Sports On Demand, a broadband and subscription video-on-demand service targeting the genre."

Marvel declined to give me a sneak preview of the redesigned site.


Posted by Devon on February 9, 2003, at 8:14 a.m.:

It's about time! I always go to 'cause their site never worked well on my old computer. Now that I've got a good one, I just never got out of the old habit. you know, I'm way hoping all the major news sites get up to gear with improving their site code & useability, and ever since you mentioned that conference I've been extra hopeful that soon my hopes will be reality. I'm kooky, and feel like the net is a very important thing for humanity to take a bit more seriously.