Steve Outing's "Stop the Presses": Examining Paid Content's Future -- Points out five trends in the online news industry. They're all depressing and/or disturbing except number 4.
Nathan Ashby-Kuhlman: Useless URLs at two papers -- Nathan points out blatant usability failures at and
I Want Media: Interview with Chris Schroeder -- Great ideas, foresight and advice from the CEO and publisher of Washingtonpost.Newsweek Interactive.
And speaking of, today the site is set to make the leap to requiring user information. (See my previous blog entry on this topic.) As of this writing, they still haven't flipped the switch; stories are still accessible without registration.
Interview with Gerry McGovern -- McGovern, content-management expert, says "we need designers who think like editors." Some hackneyed ideas here, but it's worth a read. (Hat tip: Small Initiatives)
Rob Curley's only been there for a few weeks, but the Lawrence Journal-World already has changed its design. It's a substantial improvement that bears some resemblance to Rob's former site, CJOnline -- no doubt because the same lead designer worked on both. (CLARIFICATION, 7:02 p.m.: I'm told the same lead designer didn't work on the redesign.) More on this in tonight's site review.